Thursday, November 29, 2007


The Argument may be Ending

Rep Murtha thinks the Surge is working.

The debate may be over. Murtha is a Left wing pork-hog who is also a retired Marine Officer. If this obstinate poll cannot argue against the surge, then McCain, Petraeus, and Bush were right.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


French Police Spokesman on Muslim Riots

“This is a real guerrilla war,” Mr. Ribeiro told RTL radio, warning that the police, who have struggled to avoid excessive force, will not be fired upon indefinitely without responding.

How many times do you have to shoot a French cop before he responds? The world may never know.



"We have allowed our nation to be overtaxed, and over regulated, and overrun by bureaucrats. The Founders would be ashamed of us for what we're putting up with."

Ron Paul


The necessary endorsement

"Don't forget my Man, Ron Paul."

George F. Will

Sunday, November 11, 2007



A swing voter is someone who is clueless, apathetic, and every four years determines the fate of the free world.


Political Predictions made on Sunday morning after a third glass of whiskey at 11am on November 11th, 2007

McCain beats Hillary in 2008.

The war is shifting. No one seems to be talking about it, but US deaths, Iraqi deaths, and insurgent attacks started dropping in August and are still dropping. Iraq is stabilizing. Hillary has been triangulating since 2003. McCain has been calling for more troops since 2003. Who was right? And if you are running in 2008 and there is a stable Iraq would you rather have Hillary Clinton's record or John McCain's record?


What really drives me nuts

What really drives me nuts is that Hillary gets a pass on everything by her supporters. If you say she has no experience they say she was a co-president. If you then point out the mistakes and indiscretions in the Clinton White House they say it was Bill's fault.

She voted for a resolution condemning Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group thereby giving Bush the legal ability to strike Iran. Her defense has been that we need sanctions to stop Iran's nuclear capability. What drives me absolutely bonkers is that no one calls her on this. That was NOT the vote! Using sanctions to stop nuclear proliferation may be a good idea but it had nothing to do with this vote. This is Hillary once again trying to play both sides of an issue. She is not weak on terrorism but if Bush strikes Iran that is not what she voted for. And she will get a pass by her fans because this is a historic election and she is the most charismatic android to ever run for President or whatever.

Now her campaign aides are getting called out for planting questions in the "town hall" meetings she is holding in Iowa. And I can already hear my friends telling me "Everybody does it." and "Is this a big deal?" This is the B.F. Skinner operant conditioning of the 2008 election.


Long Live the King!

King Juan Carlos tells Chavez to shut up.


Standards and the New York Times

The NYTimes is very upset that Michael Mukasey has been confirmed by the Senate as our new Attorney General. They claim that these questions were not asked:

"Was the nominee truly qualified, with a professional background worthy of the job? Would he discharge his duties fairly and honorably, upholding his oath to protect the Constitution? Even though she answers to the president, would the nominee represent all Americans? Would he or she respect the power of Congress to supervise the executive branch, and the power of the courts to enforce the rule of law?"

That is an interesting standard. Can anyone tell me which question Robert Bork failed? He must have failed one of them because before George W. Bush we didn't have partisanship in the nomination process. Everybody knows that.

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