Tuesday, October 12, 2004


The Mainstream (Left-Wing) Media

It is easier to sleep well when you are on the Right side of the political spectrum. Or at least it should be.

ABCNEWS Political Director Mark Halperin has written a memo that states that ABC has a responsibility to not hold “both sides ‘equally’ accountable” in this Presidential election. This is because the Bush campaign is based purely upon deceit. Well. Has anyone noticed that Senator Kerry is a liberal? He is a real honest to goodness liberal, who used to be proud of his liberalism. Now he is running a campaign where he will not even use the word and will not talk about his 20 year voting record in the Senate.

All politicians are slippery, but in this election Kerry is running as an Eisenhower Republican. And a mainstream media outlet, ABC, has decided that this is acceptable and that the other guy needs to be scrutinized. My head hurts.

On another note, the syndicated political cartoonist Danziger has published an explicitly racist cartoon equating Condi Rice to a “Gone With The Wind” character. Danziger is published in major newspapers including the Boston Globe and the Christian Monitor. But I guess he could not be a racist. After all he is a liberal.

Remember this: Danziger and Halperin are mainstream media people. And both the examples above are acceptable to their colleagues. What would happen if Bill O’Reilly compared a liberal black women to a stereotype character from a 1920s movie or if FoxNews got caught with a memo demanding that they hit Kerry harder than Bush? The Mainstream media would go berserk. Because they are so very fair and balanced.

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin, Jay Nordlinger

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