Monday, February 14, 2005
The Theatre
Ok Arthur Miller is dead. Let us leave aside the fact that his most famous play, well one of his most famous, "The Crucible" is an attack on the 1950s. Yes McCarthy was an idiot and a bastard. But unlike the foolish non-witch girls in the play, Hiss was a commie and the commies were trying to infiltrate and overthrow the U.S. government. If you do not agree with this you have not read anything about the opening of the Soviet files in the Kremlin after the end of the Cold War. If you have read anything about them and you still think the commies were not infiltrating the government, you are deliberately ignorant.
I was once deliberately ignorant. I once claimed, ignorantly, that "Ally McBeal" was a good show. I chose deliberate ignorance because it allowed me to watch Lucy Liu every week. Sue me.
Obviously I have left nothing aside. But, of all the clips about "Death of a Salesman" playing in the media, one irks me. It has the wife ranting that "attention must be paid" to her husband's life. Attention must be paid? Who speaks like this? Did anyone ever speak like this? Who is she the Pope?
I do not care if he was the greatest playwrite of the 20th century. Broadway is dead. And not least because it fell into the morass of hating America.
I was once deliberately ignorant. I once claimed, ignorantly, that "Ally McBeal" was a good show. I chose deliberate ignorance because it allowed me to watch Lucy Liu every week. Sue me.
Obviously I have left nothing aside. But, of all the clips about "Death of a Salesman" playing in the media, one irks me. It has the wife ranting that "attention must be paid" to her husband's life. Attention must be paid? Who speaks like this? Did anyone ever speak like this? Who is she the Pope?
I do not care if he was the greatest playwrite of the 20th century. Broadway is dead. And not least because it fell into the morass of hating America.