Thursday, February 10, 2005


What is the problem?

So it is now reported that U.S. female interrogators used their sexuality against Muslim detainees.

So what?

Interrogation is not pleasant. The goal is to get information that will save lives. Everything short of torture should be done. If some guy cannot handle seeing a girl in a tee-shirt, you are damn right we should use it against him.

Does anyone realize that on the battlefield we are trying to kill these guys? Now the press wants us to give them milk and cookies.

I think that some people realize what is going on. It's because of the 'press' that people tend to believe otherwise. Instead of doing research, people would rather look at their favorite rag for news and advice. My opinion is not limiting fact to a bi-partisan society either...I would like to think it covers the whole crowd. I would venture to say that most people do not know how that sort of thing works. Again, rather than figure it out and make educated opinions as to what may really be happening based on newly found facts, they would rather whine about it and hug a tree.
Agreed. But I think this is a press failing. The average person cannot be a subject matter expert on all things military. The New York Times does have the resources to bring in experts and report accurately. And this used to be the expectation that we had for the paper of record. This expectation is why people still pay to read the newspaper.

If the Times actually did that, the need for an highly active blogosphere would quickly diminish.
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