Friday, March 04, 2005


First they came for the....

I have never blogged about campaign finance reform.

If the law says that you cannot buy a commercial to make a political statement, the law says you cannot speak.

There. I did it.

Now the law is saying that a blog is a "contribution", that can be regulated by the government. So if I were to blog that Vice-President Cheney's outstanding personality is an inspiration to all of us who are hair-challenged and then link to his website picture, that would be a "contribution." And the government can tell me not to write that.

Garbage. All four of my regular readers out there know that I am not the ACLU-type of whiner. But I will not follow any law that tells me not to write about politics. They can throw my fat ass in jail.

Although that is not exactly the way I would choose to improve my sex life.

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