Saturday, March 12, 2005


War. HUH. What is it good for.......

Eyes on Syria, my friends. Do not for one moment underestimate the possibility of the U.S. getting Medieval on Damascus.

The one really, really great thing about President Bush is that the man does not give a damn. He thought we needed to hit Iraq, so we took down Saddam. He thinks we need to reform Social Security, so he is having a barbecue on the Third Rail of American politics. And if he thinks we need to hit Syria, then we will level them.

Although, this situation is unique. The President is quite obviously a Wilsonian supporter of Freedom and Democracy. He is willing to fight for these things. And in Iraq he ignored the World, and went to war. Now we have told the Syrians it is time to leave Lebanon. And on Lebanon, the French are with us.

Lebanon is a former French colony. Any quick look at France's repeated excursions into their former colonies in Africa over the last decade will tell you that the French still feel a sense of responsibility to these peoples. Gallic pride is tied up in these colonies prospering. This is why France and the U.S. are standing shoulder to shoulder on France. Unlike Iraq, we both are demanding freedom for the Lebanese.

If the French start pushing for intervention, let's remember that Syria is an Islamic country. So we will have to bring our own beer when we roll into Damascus.

What was the saying? Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer? This case would be a tough call as to which is which. Either way, I applaud the President for taking initiative in all cases.
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