Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Ancestral Memories

There are definetly moments when I really dig down into my conservative roots. My post on the rich who will not serve this country is one of those moments. The fear is not that things were really the same fifty years ago, and that the past is being idolized. Any knowledge of the American reaction to World War II will dispell that idea. The fear is that my writing will not be powerful enough to convey the truth about America.

On this note I will step aside and let Bob Dole speak. His acceptance speech in San Diego expressed what we once were and what we could become perfectly.

"Age has its advantages. Let me be the bridge to an America that only the unknowing call myth. Let me be the bridge to a time of tranquillity, faith, and confidence in action. And to those who say it was never so, that America has not been better, I say, you're wrong, and I know, because I was there. And I have seen it. And I remember. "

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