Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Help Wanted
Spineless Yes Man for U.N. Ambassador.
Isn't that what the President wants? Oh no no that's what the Democrats want. Bush is trying to put a hard-nosed realist named John Bolton at the U.N. The Democrats feel he is too mean and not deferential enough to the international community.
Senator Moynihan would be ashamed.
Note: CNN reports that "An attempt by the Senate's Republican majority to cut off debate failed in May when most of the 44 Democrats refused to join the 55 Republicans and move toward a final vote." We call that a filibuster. By we I mean the Royal we, and that does not include CNN. In their headline piece they do not even use the word. What the hell.
Isn't that what the President wants? Oh no no that's what the Democrats want. Bush is trying to put a hard-nosed realist named John Bolton at the U.N. The Democrats feel he is too mean and not deferential enough to the international community.
Senator Moynihan would be ashamed.
Note: CNN reports that "An attempt by the Senate's Republican majority to cut off debate failed in May when most of the 44 Democrats refused to join the 55 Republicans and move toward a final vote." We call that a filibuster. By we I mean the Royal we, and that does not include CNN. In their headline piece they do not even use the word. What the hell.