Saturday, August 13, 2005


A bit too busy

Well. Thank you all for your support. With friends like you who needs friends.

I have been busy moving into the new place, and I still do not have a home PC. And considering that my job has quickly become a spirtual abyss that I can only find my way out of with copious amounts of Irish whiskey; I am not using the computers there to blog.

Also, the news has been boring lately. Supreme Court Justice Roberts? That future is a foregone conclusion. It is just another step in the march to overturn all of that Warren Court silliness. Roe v. Wade is gone folks. Kiss the penumbra goodbye (ah that may have been Griswold, damn.)

Israelis leaving Gaza? Also inevitable. Back out, build a wall, and everytime someone lobs a grenade over it, hit them with a cruise missile. That has been the only possible solution to this problem for ten years. All I will say about North Korea is that we would have been better off if Clinton had played hardball with them in the 90s. He tried. No, really. But that abject failure Jimmy Carter went over there and negotiated a peace settlement, aka cover for the Norks nuclear program. Thanks for kissing a psychotic dictator's ass and creating a nuclear North Korea in your quest for a Noble Prize. Jimmy you're the best.

My old enemy Nemesis has commented on my lack of blogging and referred to my service in the Air Force Reserve. While I am loathe to mention personal facts on my blog, Nemesis did mention his time in the Army. Frankly, he knows as well as I do that you are not actually in the Army if your Field experience consists of that patch of grass in front of your townhouse that you make your wife mow. I am sure that she is looking forward to a change this winter, when she can shovel snow while Nemesis sleeps off his hangover. Loser.

No links today my friends. This public computer is a little too slow for that. But you can find the Minus the Nemesis link on my blog roll. At least Minus isn't a schmuck.

Both personal attacks and libel. Coming out swinging, I see.

I hope you're not counting on the new place as being a good place to start blogging again. Methodone clinics rarely have reliable internet access.
I'm an abject failure? You're the fucking failure!

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