Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Wiesenthal has passed.

Simon Wiesenthal has died. A holocaust survivor turned Nazi-hunter, Wiesenthal brought over a thousand Nazis to justice. This man helped clean up the mess that was the 20th century.


Sunday, September 11, 2005



Michelle Malkin has the round up on the blogger memorials.


Giuliani understood this.

At what point exactly do we expect the Federal Government to comandeer school buses? This is very important. The buses in New Orleans sat unused to evacuate the people of New Orleans during hurricane Katrina. Now if the Feds comandeer the buses during the hurricane then it is probably too late to do any good. So if this crisis is the fault of the Federal Government's actions then obviously we should expect Federal takeovers of local assets prior to any potential crisis.

Everytime a hurricane of a level 3 or greater magnitude climbs up the coast Virginias should expect to find alternate ways to get their children to school. The Feds will need those buses. Everytime a northeaster bears down on Boston, the New Englanders better do likewise. What if a blizzard traps the elderly? The Feds need to get them. Oh, and if the internet chatter makes the government think there is a terrorist attack coming, say good bye to your buses, hospitals, police departments, fire departments. The will all be under Federal control in order to ensure our safety.

This is, of course, absurd. We know that a local mayor knows where his people are, where the buses are, and what needs to be done. He knows these things far better that a group of analysts in Washington knows them. Remember that every time Jon Stewart tells you that this is inarguably a failing of the Bush administration.

Monday, September 05, 2005


The General

The military leader in charge of cleaning up New Orleans is none other than Major General Russell Honore. I served under General Honore in Korea when he was commanding the 2nd Infantry Division. He is an outstanding maniac. He always referred to him himself in the third person as "Uncle Russ", threatened Field Grade officers with pushups, and was a devoted hatchet thrower. He was so devoted to hatchet throwing that it was believed that junior officers were only promotable if they could throw well.

That said, he was also in command when Sept 11 happened. At that time the 2ID was the most forward deployed unit in the Army and the attack put us on edge. I cannot remember anyone having any doubts in General Honore's leadership.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Fortune favors the Bold.

The President's poll numbers are abysmal. The New Orleans self-destruction has levelled him. Ergo he has no political capital to put behind a strong originalist nomination to replace Chief Justice Rehnquist.

To hell with it. As my old Captain in Korea once said "Sometimes you just have to grab your junk and go for it." Nominate Richard Posner. Nominate Robert Bork. These appointments come up rarely. It is time to to put the checks and balances back into the courts, so that the people actually write the laws. We need gutsy judges who believe that laws mean what they say, not that they mean what the judges believe they should mean.

Scalia for Chief Justice!!


Chief Justice Rehnquist, RIP.

Chief Justice William Rehnquist has died. My condolences to his family.

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