Sunday, September 11, 2005
Giuliani understood this.
At what point exactly do we expect the Federal Government to comandeer school buses? This is very important. The buses in New Orleans sat unused to evacuate the people of New Orleans during hurricane Katrina. Now if the Feds comandeer the buses during the hurricane then it is probably too late to do any good. So if this crisis is the fault of the Federal Government's actions then obviously we should expect Federal takeovers of local assets prior to any potential crisis.
Everytime a hurricane of a level 3 or greater magnitude climbs up the coast Virginias should expect to find alternate ways to get their children to school. The Feds will need those buses. Everytime a northeaster bears down on Boston, the New Englanders better do likewise. What if a blizzard traps the elderly? The Feds need to get them. Oh, and if the internet chatter makes the government think there is a terrorist attack coming, say good bye to your buses, hospitals, police departments, fire departments. The will all be under Federal control in order to ensure our safety.
This is, of course, absurd. We know that a local mayor knows where his people are, where the buses are, and what needs to be done. He knows these things far better that a group of analysts in Washington knows them. Remember that every time Jon Stewart tells you that this is inarguably a failing of the Bush administration.
Everytime a hurricane of a level 3 or greater magnitude climbs up the coast Virginias should expect to find alternate ways to get their children to school. The Feds will need those buses. Everytime a northeaster bears down on Boston, the New Englanders better do likewise. What if a blizzard traps the elderly? The Feds need to get them. Oh, and if the internet chatter makes the government think there is a terrorist attack coming, say good bye to your buses, hospitals, police departments, fire departments. The will all be under Federal control in order to ensure our safety.
This is, of course, absurd. We know that a local mayor knows where his people are, where the buses are, and what needs to be done. He knows these things far better that a group of analysts in Washington knows them. Remember that every time Jon Stewart tells you that this is inarguably a failing of the Bush administration.