Sunday, September 11, 2005



Michelle Malkin has the round up on the blogger memorials.

That's some pretty powerful shit. I am spending this anniversary in Iraq...fighting the very people that wish that kind of harm to Americans (and westerners) again and again. And people wonder why we are still here.

So, AMITA, you didn't really kill that scotch, did you? It's never Minus...always someone elses fault. Haha. Supposedly, he has some stuff brewing...I will have to dip into it when I return...soon, btw.
Watch it. I have restored the supply and will have some waiting for you.

Oh, one more thing: don't forget to put sunscreen on your baldspot fatso.

I actually don't remember killing off a bottle, but I do remember pouring scotch. Ergo it is very possible I am the guilty party. If Minus says so I will bring a bottle over the next time I am at his place. Between the two of us we'll kill it that night. That's what I call win-win.
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