Sunday, November 13, 2005


Peter Drucker, R.I.P.

Peter Drucker has passed. He was the giant of management theory, he was also a great American. He had an unbelievably diverse mind, and I recommend his great biography Adventures of a Bystander to everyone. I studied economics for four years and I have worked in the private sector and the public sector for the last six years. Nothing I have seen or read has come anywhere near Drucker's brilliant observations. His death is a loss for the world, because even in his 90s he was still writing important books. I consider it a real tragedy that I was never able to shake the man's hand. R.I.P.

Next time we all get together for some cocktails, why don't you bring that book down? I won't keep it as long as I do Nemesis' books!
the only thing that was lost in my divorce was that book. This is not due to malicious intent, I just lef the book in Texas. I guess it is about time I tracked down a copy.
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