Friday, November 25, 2005


Too sick

Occasionaly, I agree with Ghostbusters "Society is too sick to survive."

CNN has headlined Jessica and Nick's breakup.

Note: I can't link to the damn site because I am working on a damn Apple.

Why would you want to link to that article anyway? Pop culture is filth.
Well... not to sound all sappy, but If we all throw our hands in the air and say "this is too hard, I give up" then things would be even worse than they are now. I'd be lying if I said I never felt that way too, but the one thing that makes any of us feel this way is the attitude of "do as I say, not as I do". The bottom line is if you want to influence the way people act you need to lead by example, rather than convincing everyone, your way is the rigth way. It's sad how few leaders obey this simple rule. And the world continues to be spoiled jerks...
There is a place for the trivial. The trivial can be fun. However, we live in a culture dominated by the trivial where the Oprah Winfrey is considered a real intellect.

Back in the 30s, Conservatives such as Albert Jay Nock, described themselves as a Remnant that would keep the ideas of Western Civilization alive until the dark age had passed. I fear that we may need to reconstitute that idea.
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