Thursday, December 01, 2005


Daily Mythos

I just read an exchange on the Daily Kos that was perfect. The original post by Armando detailed how Bush left out the dissillusionment of a hero who died in Iraq when he praised him on television. This is based on a New York Times quote from one of the hero's letters. The New York Times article has already been debunked by the hero's family. I guess the hundreds of comments agreeing with the post were made by people who don't read opinions they don't agree with.

The best exchange comes when one person challenges the author (below). The response: nothing but insults. Welcome to the modern Left.

And? (none / 0)

After three tours, who wouldn't be battle-weary? Are you are implying that Starr was disillusioned about the war because he wasn't planning a FOURTH tour? From what I read, it sounds like he felt his sacrifice was worth it.

Did he volunteer for all his tours?

by kimbo29 on Wed Nov 30, 2005 at 10:13:14 PM PDT
[ Parent ]

And? (none / 0)

Do you have a point?

your comment is a nonsequitor.

The SCOTUS is Extraordinary.

by Armando on Wed Nov 30, 2005 at 10:15:08 PM PDT
[ Parent ]

And? (none / 1)

Not a point, just a question. To refresh your memory ,the question was: Are you are implying that Starr was disillusioned about the war because he wasn't planning a FOURTH tour?

I'm trying to figure out if you have a point, or if you just like to throw insults around.

by kimbo29 on Wed Nov 30, 2005 at 10:22:52 PM PDT
[ Parent ]

No. I was not. (none / 0)

I already figured out you are a troll.

Zero for you.

The SCOTUS is Extraordinary.

by Armando on Wed Nov 30, 2005 at 10:37:57 PM PDT
[ Parent ]

Well then, my mistake. (none / 1)

So, um, what point were you trying to make? Or am I just supposed you read your obviously superior mind?

And for what its worth, I already figured you for a p**.

by kimbo29 on Wed Nov 30, 2005 at 10:42:42 PM PDT
[ Parent ]

If you can read (none / 0)

and comprehend maybe you'll figure it out.

Since you sre a troll and a Republican, you won't.

Zero for you.

The SCOTUS is Extraordinary.

by Armando on Wed Nov 30, 2005 at 10:55:03 PM PDT

The Daily Kos is a waste of space. That dude has officially gone off of the deep end. Most of the comments on the site are dedicated to benign crap that typically states: "Let's mobilize and end the Republican regime" or some such nonsense. Anyone who actually agrees with Yesterday's Greek is a moron.

If this type of tripe is indicative of the state of the liberal mind, conservatives have been correct all along.
He is a waste of space, except that it is a good thing that the Lefties have a forum to spout their vile on. You should the racist comments about Michelle Malkin that pop up there.

Anyways, I am looking for left wing blogs with a brain. You got to keep challenging yourself.
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