Sunday, December 11, 2005


Globalization of a Libel

Some of you may recall the public offensive against Bill Bennet for stating that the abortion of all black babies would be a good way to bring down the crime. A little bit odd, for a pro-lifer to say don't you think? Of course he did not say that. In the course of a debate about abortion, Bennett was trying to prove his contention that a results-based argument against or for abortion is morally unacceptable.

"If you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose -- you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossibly ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down,"

I realize that this is old news and probably forgotten by all. I encourage you to read Dennis Prager's column on the subject if only for one reason. Prager's list of anti-Bennett comments is outstanding in it's range of contributors. The Bennett-as-racist idea made it all the way to the shores of the Indian sub-continent.

Of course, there is no Liberal media.

Negative Ninja. It is not racist in context. Blacks commit a higher per capita rate of crime then whites. That is a fact, and facts aren't racist. If we took every black person and sent them to Canada, all other things being equal the crime rate would drop a little. To advocate doing this would be rascist because it would effect innocent blacks, and would ignore guilty whites.

The word inherently is important here. It implies genetic determination. I don't think Bennett would agree to that. He always turns to cultural factors and would probably argue that black crime rates were higher due to the higher percentage of single parents in black neighborhoods, an inner city hip-hop culture that has embraced the degradation of women and the elevation of the criminal lifestyle. Rascism is an evil, but frank discussions about culture are a requirement for a good society.

You are always argueing with me. You better keep reading my blog or I'll punch your boyfriend. Well, I probably will anyways.
I agree that this comment was taken out of context. While something that could be true, it sure brought a lot of heat. While not a fan of polls, I think that statistics are another matter entirely.

I am sure you will punch Zinga, just not remember it.
Hey, what's with all of this violence? Just as long as we all have some good scotch so that we don't remember it in the morning, all is good. Plus, that gives me good reason to punch Minus.

Oh, and no worries, NK argues with me on ANYTHING all of the time. You shouldn't feel left out.
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