Sunday, December 04, 2005


I am mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!

I am talking with Minus and Nemesis about creating a hyper-blog together. The idea is to have the three of us blogging in the normal manner, but we would also write bigger thought pieces on politics and culture This will include movie and book reviews and hopefully contributions from Leftie friends.

This is my idea. Partially I think that the media market is already shifting to web-based magazines. More importantly, I am still mad. I am a Conservative not a Republican and the party is over. I am still mad that Lefties and Righties don't talk to each other, they yell at each other. Although it may seem grandiose, the intent is to have an impact. Some new consensus must be made; the Conservative imagination has to be rekindled. And we are just the right lunatics for the job.

I will let you all know when the site goes up.

very interested in your idea. I am sick of the yelling. WOuld love a chance to participate in discussing ideas--I'm a Democrat though

Give it time! After a few more brainstorming sessions like the other night we should be able to come up with some idea of what the project will entail.


I think that a lot of people are gravitating towards that train of thought [yelling/finger pointing is lame]. Hopefully, we will be able to provide a mediary to the issues.
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