Monday, December 26, 2005


Pop Culture is still filth.

This is a great example of why our culture is worthless. Click on the image to see how it has been touched up/propaganized.

Of course this is also an example of good people fighting our worthless culture. And that is a comforting thought.

Update: Damn. It looks like some foreigners did this. So our culture still sucks and even the Euros know it.

I would have to argue that the reality is what the capable photographer makes of it. That is to say if you have a photographer who is capable enough to make the correct lighting decisions, filtration decisions, etc. to make the images true to life the stigma of being fake won't be represented as it is now.

From the images the woman is skinnier, hair straighter and more color added. The magazines of that caliber are designed to make women feel crappy about the way they look so that they can sell product. In that aspect, pop culture is filth. I also think that it is represented equally if not greater in other societies.

I could understand the elimination of shadows, a lighting adjustment here and there, but when you are making fairly drastic changes as to not show the true character there is something fundamentally wrong with that.
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