Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Integrity is never misplaced

It is quite obvious that Alito will be confirmed. Now that the Democrats have made a spectacle of themselves, can we expect the Republicans to skewer them…?

Of course not. In the 1990s Republicans confirmed the most liberal judge on the court, Ginsberg, by a huge margin. Why? She was qualified and had the required integrity. But this was after Bork! He was slammed even though he was qualified and had the required integrity. Why did the Republicans not hit back?

Republicans are obviously as partisan as Democrats. Just not on this issue. People like Orin Hatch and Arlen Specter respect the process of the law and the Supreme Court. They do not take it as political theatre.

Yes it is wonderful that on this issue, this one issue, the Republicans are taking the high road. …..I guess I cannot complain about it. Any integrity in DC is a good thing.

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