Monday, January 30, 2006


Not as tough as before

It took me a very long time to decide that abortion is wrong and should be illegal. I understand the issues. I do not want an intrusive and powerful government. I love and respect women, and I would never advocate any kind of suppression of their rights.

However, I read a Ben Stein column a few years ago that hit me in the gut. He was speaking to a college audience, Pepperdine I believe. He said that prolifers were abolitionists of the 21st century. And that in hundred years people will be as baffled by the killing of children as we are baffled by the idea of slavery in America. I did not agree with the argument then, but it shook me up.

After a long time I decided that we do not have enough information to say that you are not killing a human being when you have an abortion, and we have to err on the side of life. I know most of my friends disagreed with me, and would think that I was a fascist. I call it as I see it.

This column has made that decision much easier. Malkin writes that a British doctor has found "Babies moving their limbs at 8 weeks."

8 weeks.

Think about that.

babies are pretty amazing. and smart-they all come out crying. =)good blog. something to think about.
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