Wednesday, February 08, 2006



I have to admit that the Dove Super Bowl ad almost brings me to tears. I just think of my dear friend Carey who was torn apart for being “ugly” as a kid. She turned out to be a knockout in high school, and I don’t think she realized it until she was 27.

It also reminded me of one of the few rules that govern my life. One of my best friends has a daughter who is 7 years old. As you know I have a sarcastic sense of humor and use it liberally. She can fire back at me; it is hysterical. The rule: No body jokes. No fat jokes, no skinny jokes, no ugly jokes, absolutely nothing in that arena. If I play any role in her life it will not reinforce our cultural stupidity. She deserves better.

Dove is doing excellent business. Bless them.

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