Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Back to the Point

May I re-post? I have new readers and the post below still sums up exactly how I feel. With the exception, that I would purge the limitation of Asian in the last paragraph.

I am Back and I am Mad

Oh yes, I am pissed.

First, we have our President. Allow me to pile on to the attacks about Miers. I don't give a goodgoddamn if Alito is an excellent judge. He'll get approved and the court gets more rational. Hurrah! But when Bush nominates his personal lawyer to the court he told Conservatives one simple thing: He doesn't get it. We don't want judges who are pro-life. We want judges who are pro-Constitution. And running around assuring religious conservatives that she is pro-life is a pro-ignorant move. He doesn't get it. We have a "conservative" President who doesn't have a clue about Constitutional law. Lucky for America, Congress stomped on the nomination fast.

But of course they are idiots too. Since 1994 I have been voting for Republicans for what damn purpose? I seem to remember something about balanced budgets, a flat tax, strong defense, and term limits. I did not vote for extraordinary government deficits, tax cuts without any hope of tax reform, a drastically overstretched military that should have been expanded two years ago, and Congressmen that won't leave office until they have taken enough pork to cause a coronary. A friend asked me "How can we have a Republican President, a Republican Senate, and a Republican House, yet nothing in the Conservative agenda is getting passed?" The answer is that about 40% of the Republicans in congress are principled and the rest are useless. No, they are not just useless; they are dangerous to anyone who truly wants reform.

Don't even get me started about that slack-jawed Alabama judge Roy Moore. Yes yes yes, it is ridiculous that cities are forced to take a cross off of their seal that has been there for centuries. That cross is part an acknowledgement of religion that in no way establishes a specific church. However, this guy put a gigantic 10 Commandments monument in the Alabama Supreme Court building. AND he said that he put it there because the 10 Commandments are the moral foundation of our law. No. They. Are. Not.

Mr. Madison was a pretty smart guy. If that was true Jimmy would have written "We the people of the United States in order form a more perfect union, found our Constitution on the Bible." If that was what he meant to write than that's what Jimmy would have written. Judeo-Christian values informed the founding, along with Locke, ancient Greek history, and many other thinkers. There is no excuse to ignore the plain text of the 1st Amendment and attempt to establish a Christian government.

Trust me when I say that you don't want to hear about how depressed I was when I debated gay marriage with my old and dear friend Mikey. It was a fun debate and we both made good points. I laid out an argument against gay marriage based on societal norms, respect for human history, and the idea that you don't alter a 5,000 year institution without a damn good reason. The problem was that Mikey had never heard an argument against gay marriage that wasn't based on Bible quotes. He thought all conservatives were religious fundamentalists. I've known this guy for 15 years! How did we let this happen? How did we let a healthy respect for religion turn to supporting people who want to legislate the Bible into law?

And there is the problem. P.J. O'Rourke's Republican Party Reptiles are hibernating. The Republicans are not the fun smash the Federal government types anymore. The party is no longer about limited government; it is more interested in creating Federal laws to enforce a conservative lifestyle and belief system. Well, count me as a fan of a Conservatism of Debauched Drunkenness. I will not support anything that goes against mixing Quaaludes in your scotch and watching Asian porn!

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