Thursday, March 23, 2006


A Noble Effort

I am having a moment of crisis. This can happen when it is two in the morning, you’ve run out of scotch and you’re debating whether dry vermouth will taste good in Coke. For your edification it tastes awful. Even the second glass is terrible.

I want to sell my condo, quit my job, drive my car to Texas, and volunteer on Kinky Friedman’s campaign for Governor. We agree on some issues. But who really cares. Nothing I want ever gets passed anyway. I want to work for a guy who says things like this.

"I support gay marriage because I believe they have right to be just as miserable as the rest of us!"

"Got a new campaign slogan," Friedman says with a laugh. " 'Kinky Friedman, he never broke his word to the Indians.'”

He refers to himself in the third person as “Governor” and calls his assistant “Jewford.”


“If I win, the first thing I'll do is demand a recount,” and promising that, if elected the first Jewish governor of Texas, he would reduce the speed limit to 54.95.

“I grieve that NASCAR people never go to the lesbians' tea-houses, and the lesbians never go to NASCAR

“I'd had a number of bad experiences with drugs, one of them lasting for several decades.”

“The Kinkster never likes to say 'fuck' in front of a c-h-i-l-d.”

This will be the best political campaign in history.

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