Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Let’s sit on our Ass

This is my advice: plant your ass on the couch and make no attempt to vote next November. Let the Democrats take back Congress. The Republicans don’t deserve their power.

I know not everyone who reads this is a Republican or a Conservative. Allow me to speculate that most of you fall on the Right somewhere, even if very close to the Center. I think we all agree that the spending, earmarking, and corruption coming out of Congress is too much. Have you done your taxes yet? How much did you have to pay someone to help you file paperwork with a supposed representative government? Oh you did your own? You overpaid.

That is freedom?

Yes, yes it is what you expect from politicians. But this is not what we should demand of our politicians.

In November, sit down, have a drink, and enjoy a fine fall day. Afterwards, out of the rubble we can build a Party worth supporting.

I couldn't agree with this more.

Personally, I'm not Republican or Democrat. I'm waiting for the right group to come along or for some serious change to take place. I will admit whole-heartedly that I don't have faith that a "party" will come a long in my lifetime that suits my beliefs. I don't give my loyalties up to people that I can't trust. I give those to my friends and family. Do something good and prove yourself politically, then we'll talk.

Anyways, right now the idea of voting is just painful. Politics has become so black, white and gray with corruption it gives me a migrane. Or is it just so dumb down that it's ridiculous? I wish we could vote for someone that would shake things up, so we could use that as a channel and a voice but unfortunately we're just going to get a bunch of sponges that suck up to the highest bidder. It's a giant marketing campaign of bullshit and fear right now. Politics as it stands seems boring and archaic. Haven't we been here before? Didn't we get over this?

Unfortunately we will get what George promotes..."more of the same" with our elections. For me, it's more of the same pain in the ass.

Canadate Right Shithead A
Canadate Left Shithead B
Canadate Right Shithead C
Canadate Left Shithead D
and so on....repeat as needed.

It seems to me that people are seperated from government than they ever have been because the strong majority just think that politicians are out of touch and out of their minds. More than ever in history, people think that their vote, doesn't count for anything. People used to have emotional ties to government. I think those ties have been severed.

Politicians have no idea what the everyday man thinks about in terms of the world around him. They can't. They are not everday men. I wish they'd go on vacation and stay there. Having had George in office (and soon out), we could all make a weekly schedule and have a rotating Presidency at this point. Take turns doing it, we'd do just as good of a job (that's how fucked things are), how could we fuck it up more? Then whomever does best just stays there. hahaha...Have a pizza party in the Oval Office.

We'd be better off at this point.

Sorry this sounds so cynical. I'm sorry for ranting in your blog. I'll probably feel more sensible tomorrow.

But we need to demand more.
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