Wednesday, April 12, 2006


The Worst Idea Ever

The guest worker program is the worst idea ever. The idea will ensure that we have millions of people in this country who are not assimilating and that they never will.

Exactly who is this idea good for? Well it would work great for employers that get to raise their profit margin by lowering wages. It has not worked for France or Germany. It may work for now in Kuwait. The simmering tensions in that region of the world don’t lend themselves towards emulation. This is what wrecked Sparta for crying out loud.

A democratic society works when the principal of equality under the law is sacrosanct. It will not function when large numbers of the society’s members are considered others. Jim Crow gave us the riots of the 1960s. Cities such as Detroit and Newark have never recovered from that decade.

These people need to go home or get on a citizen track, for their good and ours.

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