Friday, July 14, 2006


I Cannot Resist

Ok, OK. I’ll say it. Someone has to say it. A soccer player insults your family. You are so angry you retaliate with violence. This is violence that will have you thrown out of the World Cup finals. So in a rage you headbutt his chest…. That is your devastating attack?

I am not sure where I should even go with this. Should I write “No wonder France can’t win a war”? Should I ask why a sport driven by nationalist rage is played in a submissive and pathetic fashion? I have never seen a game where grown men are pushed, fall down on the grass, and whimper without cause. What about this one: in the middle of a vicious argument someone surprises you with a headbutt to the chest? How does that happen?

I am starting to miss the days when nationalism was about killing lots of people, not about playing a long boring game that ends in a tie.

You have to watch this clip of Christian on Best Week Ever commenting on the exact same thing! Great minds...
To add insult to injury (re: France in general) Tour de France will be changing the name to: "Why bother".
It would seem that MtN may be a bit preemptive in the joke department. Ooops. Hope it turns out well though...
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