Sunday, January 28, 2007


Nietzsche again?

I recently finished rereading Nietzsche’s “Twilight of the Idols”. This was the first book of philosophy I ever read. And it will be the last for the time being. Every few years I go back to reading Philosophy. However, Nietzsche's brilliant observations no longer mask his flaws. Thankfully.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


The moral dilemma of political action.

It is widely believed that the President’s plan to surge troops into Baghdad will fail. Congress, while controlling the power of the purse, can still do nothing to stop this action. However, it does have two possible choices. First, it could de-fund the war. This would cause the President to evacuate Iraq within say six months. Alternatively, it could pass a non-binding resolution. It seems the Democratic leadership has decided on the latter option.

The political problem is that the Democrats have neither the votes nor the courage to de-fund our troops in combat. They fear the accusation “unpatriotic.” So they will not risk a substantive action. Instead they will pass a resolution condemning the President’s action.

So instead of trying to stop the war, they will announce that the war is wrong. Instead of trying to bring troops home, they will announce that the troops are doomed to fail. This is patriotic?

If the Democrats believe the war is lost and that the surge is foolhardy they should, out of moral obligation, try and de-fund the war. A resolution is a cowardly move that is detrimental to our Soldiers in the desert.



A cold wind. Snow on the roofs of old buildings. A warm bar and the Patriots in the playoffs.

Friday, January 12, 2007


I am Shocked, Shocked!

The Superficial claims that Jessica Alba’s butt looks terrible. He is lying. Why would he lie? He lied just so he could link to a picture of Jessica Alba’s butt. It was so reprehensible that I needed to link to the evidence. Only as proof of The Superficial’s diabolical nature, of course.


Outlooks: The Pessimist and the Optimist

To put it simply, the difference between Schopenhauer and Nietzsche is between pessimism and optimism. Schopenhauer sees man driven by a will to life that causes suffering and must be denied. Nietzsche sees man driven by a will to power that brings greatness and must be affirmed. The choice in life is between a turning away or an embrace.


Strategic Reasoning

What has Bush given us? A strategy made by committee, the very worst kind.

“We need 50,000 troops to pacify Baghdad.”

“But we need the Iraqis to be in on it, or the Dems will never buy off on the plan.”

“Ok, then we’ll get 5 Iraqi brigades.”

“But the Iraqis won’t fight the Shia militias. We have to stop those.”

“Then 5 brigades of Iraqis and 50,000 US troops.”

“Yeah, well the President’s poll numbers are so low he’ll face a rebellion if he activates the Reserves.”

“So we don’t have 50,000 troops?”


“OK, then how about we don’t let anyone leave Iraq and when the replacements come for the soldiers who are there we can call it a surge.”


Strategic reasoning.


Liberal Moral Logic

Iraq is not worth one more soldier’s life.”

“Then what is worth one soldier’s life?

Only a pacifist could answer this question with clarity. The question is demanded by the statement. And the question is absurd, as is the statement.

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