Sunday, January 21, 2007


The moral dilemma of political action.

It is widely believed that the President’s plan to surge troops into Baghdad will fail. Congress, while controlling the power of the purse, can still do nothing to stop this action. However, it does have two possible choices. First, it could de-fund the war. This would cause the President to evacuate Iraq within say six months. Alternatively, it could pass a non-binding resolution. It seems the Democratic leadership has decided on the latter option.

The political problem is that the Democrats have neither the votes nor the courage to de-fund our troops in combat. They fear the accusation “unpatriotic.” So they will not risk a substantive action. Instead they will pass a resolution condemning the President’s action.

So instead of trying to stop the war, they will announce that the war is wrong. Instead of trying to bring troops home, they will announce that the troops are doomed to fail. This is patriotic?

If the Democrats believe the war is lost and that the surge is foolhardy they should, out of moral obligation, try and de-fund the war. A resolution is a cowardly move that is detrimental to our Soldiers in the desert.

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