Wednesday, April 11, 2007


A Few Thoughts

A few thoughts on the mean-spirited things Don Imus said about the Rutgers women’s Basketball team:

That’s game. It’s over. Imus is a racist? Because he called the women of the Rutgers basketball team a name? Who gives a fuck. That is not the story.

Some cranky old guy calls you a “nappy-haired ho” and it scars you for life? The trauma is devastating to your fragile self-esteem? These are grown fucking women, who are college educated, and tough enough to make it to the NCAA Final Four. And two words from the least funny son-of-a-bitch in politics ruins their day? What kind of namby-pamby bullshit is that?

Are you fucking kidding me? I’ve said meaner things about my Mom and she laughed.

Are you fucking kidding me?!? That is not a rhetorical question. Somebody tell me this is some elaborate joke and that at next year’s MTV Music Awards Imus and the whiners are going to jump on stage and do a wonderfully choreographed version of “Putting on the Ritz.”

And who defends Imus? Rosie O’Donnell. Yes, Rosie this is a free speech issue. Because that whole “Congress shall pass no law” thing in the First Amendment was a typo. It had nothing to do with Congress, it was all about entertainers. James Madison really meant to write “if you say something retarded other people are required to pay for it.” If Paris Hilton had a talk show, no sense of humor, and a thyroid problem she would be Rosie’s twin. We are not talking about brilliant commentary here.

Damn, I need a drink. But I have four empty bottles of whiskey in my apartment and no money.

DW, in the event that you do not check your friendster account, please check it now. I have sent you a message. Good blog btw. Sorry you are broke and alcoholess. Julie A. Roberts
I am in total agreement with this apparent and appeasing PC bullshit. I guess it's alright for a "rap artist" to name their group "Da Nappy Heads" but it isn't alright for whitey to say such things? Piss right off with your PC bullshit.
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