Sunday, February 22, 2009


Live by the sword

For eight years George W. Bush led this nation with a compassionate conservative agenda. This meant expanding Medicare, giving the ultimate control of public schools to the federal government, and spreading democracy through out the world. The premise was that a limited activist government could be used to achieve conservative goals. This premise is wrong.

Now in the midst of a massive credit crunch and recession there is no argument against government action. If government could be used in a boom to help people why could it not be used in a recession to help people? The Republican party has disemboweled itself by supporting compassionate conservatism.

This has left us with the Obama agenda. Obama and Pelosi have not attempted to hide the fact that the "stimulus" is an attempt to remake the citizen's relationship to government. This power grab is built on Obama's historic election. A historic election that gave him 53% of the vote. The other 47% of America have no one to defend them, because we all love the federal government now.

It is an old story. We thought power was great when it was used for our agenda. And we forgot that someday someone else would have that power.

Historic Election my ass, MitA!

There is absolutely nothing historic about this election except perhaps that so many stupid people voted for the same person.

Why is it not historic? Simple; we have had a president everyday since 1789.

On a good note, I was thinking that there was not going to be a worse president than Jimmy...hold the press.
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