Wednesday, November 03, 2004
I was wrong.
Bush has won which means I was wrong. Kerry did not act as a great closer. I still say that the media’s campaign narrative has been about the Kerry comeback (Newsweek’s articles on Kerry’s surge after the first debate bordered on propaganda.) Fair is fair and I was wrong.
But it really doesn’t bother me.
But it really doesn’t bother me.
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You must have missed David Halbfinger's article on the 'Shrum Curse' back on 12 November 03. Let us hope the next demoncratic nominee hires Shrum again.
I love Shrum Curse article. I missed this particular one, thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Full Disclosure: I actually think that "The Dream will not die" Kennedy Conscession speech in 1980 is amazing. Shrum wrote it for that unreconstructed socialist of a Senator you have. If I find a link to it on the internet I'll post it.
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Full Disclosure: I actually think that "The Dream will not die" Kennedy Conscession speech in 1980 is amazing. Shrum wrote it for that unreconstructed socialist of a Senator you have. If I find a link to it on the internet I'll post it.
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