Wednesday, November 03, 2004


I was wrong.

Bush has won which means I was wrong. Kerry did not act as a great closer. I still say that the media’s campaign narrative has been about the Kerry comeback (Newsweek’s articles on Kerry’s surge after the first debate bordered on propaganda.) Fair is fair and I was wrong.

But it really doesn’t bother me.

You must have missed David Halbfinger's article on the 'Shrum Curse' back on 12 November 03. Let us hope the next demoncratic nominee hires Shrum again.
I love Shrum Curse article. I missed this particular one, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Full Disclosure: I actually think that "The Dream will not die" Kennedy Conscession speech in 1980 is amazing. Shrum wrote it for that unreconstructed socialist of a Senator you have. If I find a link to it on the internet I'll post it.
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