Tuesday, February 28, 2006
A Role for Government?
What makes it all worthwhile…
“He who does not love wine, women, and song is a fool.”
- Martin Luther
I always loved this quote. It tells us that Luther was the first get-down Theologian.
On a more serious note, this quote shows Luther’s earthy side. After leaving the Catholic Church he embraced life, fell in love, and got married. His marriage was much more a marriage of equals then we think a “traditional” marriage would be.
His belief in being stalked by demons and his almost medieval German background make the boldness of his life almost unintelligible to the modern man. We should note that he shifted theology and philosophy from the high-minded metaphysical to the day to day living of the good life. Martin Luther the last Ancient Greek philosopher?
Self-Control, or The Lack There Of
The Codeine has kicked in big time and I feel quite goofy. So I have to keep stopping myself from blogging about random thoughts. I am trying to avoid writing any posts about porn stars, cute fellow bloggers, Nemesis’s wife doing all the yard work, my dream to revive the three martini lunch, yada yada yada.
What does the Right want from Women?
Interesting question. My instant reaction is who gives a damn? Shouldn’t the Right, broadly speaking, want from women what they want from themselves? If she wants to be a stay at home mom or stay single and climb the corporate ladder, her choice is hers to make. That is what we are talking about when we discuss freedom.
Yes nuclear families are vital, and it would seem that instinctually women lean towards being the full-time care provider. Yet this is a big country. There is enough room for everyone.
On this note: I will be attending the Roundtable below. I am sure it will be interesting, and I met some great people at the last AFF event I attended. I heartily suggest everyone stop by.
AFF Roundtable: What does the Right want from women?
March 09, 2006 |
In time for Women’s History month, AFF’s next roundtable discussion will take place on Thursday, March 9, on the topic, “What does the Right want for women?” Panelists will discuss what should be the Right’s vision for feminism: stay at home moms, women who can take the heat of the professional world, or women who try to juggle everything?
The event will take place at the Fund for American Studies,
Monday, February 27, 2006
I am quite sick. I haven’t been this sick in years. They have put me on a few different medications, including Codeine, and forbidden me to go to work for three days. I would use the extra time to blog, but I can barely see straight.
Blogging this week will be slow, and any e-mails or phone calls probably will not be returned until I become coherent.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Damn Obscurest
Another attack has been made in the war over whether Leo Strauss was Satan or not. This is an excellent article for the hopelessly geeky.
Of all the attacks on neo-conservatism, the Straussian angle is the weirdest. Strauss was a professor philosophy who taught a bizarre idea, and whose writings are obscure to the point of being opaque. The students of his students decided to start a war.
I know what Keynes said about old philosophers dictating the actions of seemingly practical men. However, the man in question is controversial because he taught that ancient philosophers were deliberately misleading in their writings so that only the few brilliant people would understand them. However, “There is a hidden meaning in The Republic” does not translate to “Invade Mesopotamia.”
The war is lost
The current violence in
A brief history of Islam is necessary. Islam was founded by the Prophet Mohammad and was quickly spread through conquest and empire (caliphate.) After he died, his descendents ruled the empire. The disagreement between the Sunnis and Shias in a nutshell is between which descendents should rule. The Shias followed only the first 11 Imams. They believe the 12th Imam was hidden by Allah and that the following Imams were illegitimate. The Sunnis followed these leaders, hence the schism in Islam. The Shias’ version of the apocalypse is that the 12th Imam will return and restore the empire.
The Golden Dome’s role is this drama is that it is the place where the 12th Imam will make his glorious return. That ancient structure is where the Shias believed the beginning of the birth of a world of true believers would begin. Now, that place is gone.
In the bad old days of
That scenario pales in comparison to the destruction of the Golden Mosque. The
So let us accept that we have failed to meet our objective: a unified and democratic
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Dancing in the Ruins
We live in an age of drastic change. The internet, expanding human rights, and growing affluence are great things. And the argument that Americans have lost their religious moorings is absurd in an era of mega-churches and evangelical revival. However, this change is happening fast and has consequences.
The atmosphere is warming. The only question is whether man is affecting this process or not. And to the vast majority of scientists that question has been answered in the affirmative. In this century our coasts will change, shift, and become unrecognizable to those of us now living. Snowcapped mountains may no longer be found in the Rockies. Mankind will continue, the U.S. will exist, but things will be different. The boundless west of Theodore Roosevelt’s imagination will be gone.
Something else has already been lost that was dear to TR: our sense of the noble. World War II was met with an outpouring of support. People placed their lives and wealth at the service of a noble cause. The Salvation Army was created by Christians who believed that the love of their fellow man preached by Christ was vital. Martin Luther King had marches, wrote books, created organizations, and preached to achieve a simple goal. He wanted to force America to be America and live up to the idea that all men were created equal. This nobility still lives. A woman who works at a boot camp for delinquent girls, teachers who work with the mentally disabled, young men and women who serve in the Armed Forces are still revered. They are revered; they are not celebrated.
The celebrated are the wealthy. Our age has succumbed to the Bling-Bling mentality. Donald Trump is not famous because he is the best developer in New York City. He is not the best developer in New York City. He is a self promoter, and promotes his extraordinary wealth. Many Hip Hop stars brag about their gold chains and street “cred”. LL Cool Jay runs a summer camp for inner city kids. To be sure that is not why he is famous.
Although in their defense some celebrities do mouth the platitudes of patriotism. Phil Donahue can claim he supports the troops while any soldier within ear shot can hear the disingenuousness in his words. The Hollywood World wants Academy Awards for movies that “challenge” American ideals. A notable exception to Hollywood’s deception is Al Franken’s trips to the Middle East with the USO. This should be respected. His politics may not match your own; however his actions display an excellent sense of decency, decency above and beyond the average celebrity. Of course, the lack of that decency is the problem with our culture.
We come to Kelo. The Supreme Court has decided that the government can take your home and give it to a business entity, because the business entity will generate higher tax revenue and this is in the Public Good. You are not safe in your home. Think about that. The government can take you home, not because we need a highway or a park, but because McDonalds will pay more in taxes then you do. For all intents and purposes the government owns your home. That simple fact is the greatest threat to American freedom in our history.
What can be done? First we fight. Tooth and nail. We defend our rights; we petition Congress, we get involved in our local politics. And we persevere. We write down and preserve that which is worth preserving. So that if we lose, some time in the future the knowledge will be out there that America was once America.
And we dance in the ruins. Look at a child and realize that there are so many opportunities for her to live a great life. There are wonderful things happening. Both progress and decay are happening. Our role is to hold on to the great things that our ancestors have given us. There is joy in that endeavor.
A French Connection?
Out of the last 100 readers, 61 are from the
Thanks for reading my blog. I am flattered. And I am considering blogging more about our mutual interests: a love of cheese and beautiful women (in that order.)
A Basis for Comparison
We are now being told that 50 year old men have better sex lives then those my age, 30. Excellent. I can’t wait to have sex at 50. That would beat what I am having now.
“Or not having” Did you get that? See how that’s funny?
The Caliphate Strikes Back
Wrong, But Not Out of Line
A few bloggers have slapped Senator Hillary Clinton because of her argument against school vouchers. She is claimed to be crazy with rage. Well, not really. There is no yelling. In actuality she is a woman with a passionate argument. See for yourself. And there are some good arguments against the idea.
Now dear reader, please don’t misunderstand me. She is wrong. It is a reductio ad absurdum argument. She is logically wrong that we could not set limits on what schools receive vouchers. And she is empirically wrong because we already voucher programs and this problem does not exist. She is not losing her mind she is just pandering to the teachers' union. And after all, she is a politician.
A Harbinger of Things to Come
The idea that Senator Clinton is an angry woman who didn’t handle menopause all that well is probably going to become a regular attack throughout her Presidential candidacy in 2008. She is a liberal with little real experience. Why can’t that be used?
Because it isn’t simple enough to make 15 second sound bites on talk shows. And reporters won’t dig down enough on a story unless they have a good headline to support. So give them something ridiculous but simple. They will put it in the headline and not point out the holes until paragraph nine.
This is a disease in the bloodstreams of both parties. Remember 2004? Kerry was a coward; Bush is a retard, yada yada yada. This is why campaigns are boring.
We’ll be Right Back
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
An Earthy Conservative Thought
When does one transcend the line between Conservatism and Libertarianism? Adam Smith said that the government should provide the goods that the market is unable to produce. Milton Friedman wrote that public parks were not a legitimate public purpose.
Would public parks exist if the government did not supply them? Yes. However, they would have to be profitable. Most of the great mid-west national parks have minerals that would far exceed the money made off of park visitors. It is fair to assume that in the free market most of that space would be used for development and not as a park. This also applies to a small park in the city, regarding housing development.
Here is the problem: parks are great for almost everyone. Having a national park system and local parks creates greenways that allow a diverse ecology. Even if you do not benefit directly, the environmental stability of the
Therefore maybe government should supply things that the people want in the aggregate. The government, if it buys land at a fair market price and without using eminent domain, can do this reasonably without hurting anyone. This principle must be applied rarely. However, the market will not supply the natural world. We have to conserve it.
That you have to accept reality to succeed is a very Conservative idea.
Point Blank
His Instantness has it right on the Cheney hunting accident story.
“That said, it's also a classic example of the press's instinct for the capillary. This is getting Natalee Holloway level coverage, when there's lots of more important stuff going on.”
It was a bad political move not to go public from Day 1. However, if I shot my friend in the face I would not want to chat about it with some not so very friendly reporters.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
A Right Wing Daydream
I would be content if I could convince just a few liberals of the importance of free markets. The free market handles an incredible number of decisions and transactions. These are decisions and transactions that are subjective; I want grapes or I want oranges. No one can make that decision besides me. It cannot be simulated by a computer. The free market is what happens when I am allowed to make my own decisions.
Increasing the minimum wage does not help the poor because no one knows what the value of labor is except the guy doing the work and the guy paying him. Erase the minimum wage and let the market work.
To help the poor, enact a negative income tax. You made $800 this month, then we will give you $1200 to help out. Pick a minimum income and give the poor and unlucky the difference every month. No welfare, food stamps, or government interference in the market, just freedom and a helping hand.
Health Care? I work for the government. The last thing I want is a federal employee deciding whether removing my spleen is in the government's best financial interests. Let people buy their own health care, however don’t let them be overcome. Have the government pay for catastrophic health care costs (Costs say 20% over the patient’s annual income. Hat Tip: Jane Galt.) Pay the doctors directly what they charge. And let the market decide the prices.
I just want one liberal to understand that the market works, and that you can help people without destroying it.
The one thing that truly saddens me about the idea of studying lost boys is the inherent political implications. There is far too much boy v. girl arguments in the study of psychology. There will be many more, and that will not help anyone.
Who do I know that moved there? Who are you?
BrickaBracka BrickaBraka Sis Boom Bah! Bugs Bunny! Bugs Bunny! Rah Rah Rah!
Let us kill the Pork Monster! First, let us throw him in a cage by ending ear marks! McCain and Coburn are leading the way.
Note: A friend of mine is a Cherokee from
Thinking out Loud
Without a martini in sight I am engaged in a dangerous activity today: I have been thinking.
We should steal the word “equality.”
By “we” I mean people who love freedom. And by “steal” I mean use the word correctly. Merriam-Webster defines equality as the quality or state of being equal. The idea is simple: everyone is equal in the eyes of the law. Every law should apply to every American.
How would this work? Let us start with taxes. I pay a higher tax rate then my mother and my father pays a higher tax rate then either of us. Different rates = unequal. My father is punished for being different, for being more financially successful then others. How is that not wrong? Shouldn’t we all pay the same rate? No exceptions. No deductions. Sales tax or flat tax, one way or the other we should all be treated equally.
Do you have a problem with political corruption? I do. Companies shell out huge amounts of money to lobbyists and campaigns so they can get money out of the government (our tax money!) Why should Coca-Cola get tax breaks that Custom Auto Repair in
Close friends of mine live in
However he works for a government that uses Affirmative Action. Should he ever be overlooked for promotion because of his skin color? Has his life been too easy? You want to show compassion? Show compassion to a man who had to be a father as a teenager and has done a remarkable job. Treat him like anyone else and promote him on his hard work not his skin color. End Affirmative Action and treat everyone equally under the law.
The Equality Movement: we treat all Americans as Americans.
Up Bill Bennett!
“And if I were a Jew watching what CNN just lead in with, I would be offended too. But CNN doesn't have the same solicitude it has for Jews as it does for Muslims.”
And when Zogby defended certain actions by Muslims Bennett said:
“Catholicism is as Catholicism does. Judaism is as Judaism does. And by God, Islam is as Islam does.”
Zogby, what are you talking about?
No. We. Don’t.
Welcome to Freedom.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Note: She does not match to this image. You will have to trust me.
The Social Animal
I think I understand why NinjaKitty asked me "When did you become such a pussy?"
However, she hates cats so her opinion is irrelevant.
Waltham. Check out Cheryl.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Every Damn Year
I have to admit that the Dove Super Bowl ad almost brings me to tears. I just think of my dear friend Carey who was torn apart for being “ugly” as a kid. She turned out to be a knockout in high school, and I don’t think she realized it until she was 27.
It also reminded me of one of the few rules that govern my life. One of my best friends has a daughter who is 7 years old. As you know I have a sarcastic sense of humor and use it liberally. She can fire back at me; it is hysterical. The rule: No body jokes. No fat jokes, no skinny jokes, no ugly jokes, absolutely nothing in that arena. If I play any role in her life it will not reinforce our cultural stupidity. She deserves better.
Dove is doing excellent business. Bless them.
A world afire
I am starting to think that the answer is No.
A Wonderful Find
The American Prospect has a very good Leftie blog. Not that I agree with them on many issues, but they are sane and civil. And that is a very good thing.
Simply Awesome
The Bus has done a great commercial for an asthma charity. The commercial reprises the great 70’s Pepsi commercial with Mean Joe Green. It shows class to use your immediate and extraordinary Super Bowl fame to help a charity and not just take a Nike paycheck.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Uncle Milty Rules!
When I was in college a Libertarian friend and I always affectionately referred to Milton Friedman as Uncle Milty. I later a read a book that claimed that Friedman’s economic arguments had an unfair advantage because he looks like everyone’s favorite Jewish uncle.
When Uncle Milty speaks, we all should listen.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
If you do not laugh at this, then you are a Godless Commie.
I’m just saying...
State of the Union
That was an excellent speech. He outlined his Wilsonian vision brilliantly. I have my qualms about the President’s policies, but not with his delivery.